Eastern Sea Restaurant

Current address, telephone number, work hours, people's testimonies Eastern Sea Restaurant. This company belongs to the following categories: establishment, food, meal delivery and meal takeaway. You can find Eastern Sea Restaurant at 254 Coogee Bay Road, Coogee, New South Wales 2034.


Postal address:
254 Coogee Bay Road, Coogee, New South Wales 2034
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Phone number:
+61 2 9665 4935

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Establishment   Food   Meal delivery   Meal takeaway  

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Reviews about Eastern Sea Restaurant

  • Samantha Fowler
    ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    Just gave this place another chance. The prices on the menu are NOT correct. The food is not what it was when I used to eat there all the time. The salt and pepper tofu is just PLAIN fried tofu with garlic that comes out of a jar on it and some fresh chilli. The beef chowmein was served with pieces of deep fried dried noodles?!? They charged $16.80 for the tofu and $18 for the beef chowmein? I returned the food to them after ringing them to tell them it was disgusting. Then when my friend returned the food he refused to give us the money back without the receipt which was on the table. As of now my friend is having to drive back to get the receipt as they can't accept a photo of the receipt sent to their mobile phone? This place is disgusting. Does NOT serve food as advertised on their menu. Bloody disgusting food. Would you like to eat fried plain tofu? I remember coming here with the previous owners all the time and the tofu was coated beautifully and crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside. Extremely rude restaurant owner, and pathetic 'chinese' chef. The food was bad but it was the rudeness of the owner/staff and shocking food that stopped me going back the past year. Unfortunately I'm sick and have forgotten how bad the place is now.
  • David Long
    ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    Was served a meal that had frozen pieces of meat throughout. Brought it to the attention of the owner who refused to acknowledge stating "this not possible". I suggested he try for himself which he declined. Owner refused to offer any discount. An absolute disgrace to food safety/hygiene and should be closed down immediately.
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